Grants, Nonprofit Management, & Legal Services

I wrote my first grant while working at a legal services organization in Arkansas 2008; we used that funding to add eight new staff at that nonprofit. I started managing people around that time, too. In 2015, I started my own nonprofit law firm to serve poor folks in Arkansas, particularly BIPOC immigrants, and I have been managing people and writing grants to advance immigrant rights, civil rights and other human rights ever since.

Grant Researching/Writing/Reporting
I have raised millions of dollars in support for community work, from the federal government, from foundations and from private donors.

Community-centered grant writing is my speciality. I enjoy getting to know my clients and the communities they serve. Then, I conduct my own research and return my draft to the client to see if I listened well. Finally, if the client wants, I’ll expand my bullet points into a persuasive grant narrative. I also have learned how to track outcomes in efficient ways to support grant reporting.

If you would like to develop multi-year grant portfolios, win private philanthropic and government grants, and build your capacity as a grantseeker, we can work together to bring you the resources you need.

Personnel and Board Issues
Law school did not prepare me to manage people. Fortunately, I have had two amazing executive coaches and a couple dozen amazing employees who have “managed up” very skillfully. I carry a values-based commitment to learning how to engage effectively with my community, and that includes nonprofit staff and board members.

If you need support in this area, I will explain my management values of (1) Clarity is Kindness, (2), a Willingness to Go to the Conflict or Crucial Conversation, and (3) the critical value of Only Don’t Know. These values keep ideas flowing, they keep whispers from becoming angry silence, and they give grace to all involved while holding our shared objective(s) as the central motivating force. 

If you and/or your staff would like to learn more about my approach or grow in this area, then we will meet to discuss your intention, pain points and goals to draft a plan that works for you.

Freedom of Information Act
I am also available for consultations related to the Arkansas Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). As an attorney, I have used FOIA to support nonprofit and individual clients across the state. Together we have brought to light and mitigated or altogether eliminated government policies that were damaging vulnerable people, particularly children and young people.